Our Values
We will work safely or not at all.
We will do everything with integrity.
Our people drive us forward and we work together to grow.
We are part of the community and the environment. It is our present and our future.
At Golden Pass, our vision is to be the premier LNG company in North America. The path to achieving that goal is hiring the best people. Today, we have an incredible team in place, all of whom embrace the same values - people, integrity, safety and a commitment to the community & environment. These values define us and set us apart.
We've instilled a culture of integrity throughout our business. This means doing the right thing, maintaining a high level of transparency with our employees and business partners, and continuously striving for business excellence while making sure we give back to our community and protect our environment.
To Golden Pass LNG, safety is a core value that is reflected in everything we do. High industry standards of operation and maintenance – as well as government regulations – are continuously met. The facility has operated for 10 years without a single Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) recordable incident. Since beginning operation, there have been zero OSHA recordable injuries among the Golden Pass employee base.
As part of the Southeast Texas community, Golden Pass has partnered with the area to bring in new jobs and help contribute to a thriving community. We have introduced several workforce and business development initiatives to help residents connect with our project, partnered with the community to overcome natural disasters, and continued our commitments to local organizations throughout the transformation of our business from an import terminal to an export project. Learn more.
Golden Pass LNG recognizes our environment is important to Southeast Texans, and we strive to protect and improve our local area. Golden Pass LNG employs the best industry practices and technology and operates in compliance with state and federal regulatory requirements to run a responsible LNG facility.
This dedication to protecting the environment spans all aspects of the terminal and pipeline: from the terminal heaters equipped with special burner tips to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions, to the carefully-routed pipeline constructed to protect streams and rivers, wetlands, and nearby residential, commercial and industrial developments.
To demonstrate our commitment, Golden Pass launched the following projects in response to the continuing degradation of the coastal emergent marsh, which has resulted in the forming of open water areas throughout the Salt Bayou Watershed. Restoration of these degraded wetlands is important to fish and wildlife because wetlands provide an excellent waterfowl habitat and nurseries for fish. Coastal marshes also provide a natural buffer to reduce the impacts of tropical storms and hurricanes.
In partnership with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and Ducks Unlimited, Golden Pass successfully accomplished:
1. Pintail Flats: The Pintail Flats Restoration Project is a notable example of Golden Pass LNG’s commitment to the environment. Golden Pass LNG worked with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department to restore approximately 240 acres of emergent marsh within the Pintail Flats section of the J.D. Murphree Wildlife Management Area (WMA). This large-scale project will provide benefits for the ecosystem and residents of Southeast Texas for years to come.
2. Salt Bayou: Due to salt water intrusion, subsidence and hurricane impacts, the WMA's Salt Bayou Unit had degraded and was losing vegetation important to local and migrating wildlife. In partnership with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and Ducks Unlimited, Golden Pass provided about 2 million cubic yards of dredge material for a 1,300-acre marsh restoration project within the Salt Bayou Unit. Ducks Unlimited managed the placement of the material, which raised marsh elevations to desirable levels and will continue to encourage growth of critical vegetation.
Learn more about how LNG helps improve the environment, and how Golden Pass has designed our facility with the environment in mind.
Our Values in Action
Golden Pass achieves 10 years without a recordable incident
Our collective commitment to safety as a core value at Golden Pass LNG achieved 10 years without a recordable safety incident. This is a testament to the high quality of our people, and a commitment we will uphold going forward.
Learn MoreGolden Pass LNG Launches SETX Workforce Guide
Golden Pass LNG, in partnership with Engineering, Procurement and Construction contractor CCZJV, launched the Southeast Texas Workforce Guide, an online resource that connects students and job seekers with information about jobs with industry, including those being created by the Golden Pass LNG export project under construction in Sabine Pass.
Learn MoreGolden Pass awards over $110,000 in scholarships
Golden Pass LNG awarded scholarships to eight high school graduates beginning an Associate Degree of Process Technology at Lamar Institute of Technology and Lamar State College – Port Arthur. The scholarships cover up to three years of P-Tech and liquefied natural gas process education to prepare students for work with the Golden Pass LNG export project currently under construction in Sabine Pass.
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