Golden Pass donates PPE to help keep Jefferson County safe

Golden Pass is working to help our tireless front line first responders, health care workers and governmental leaders to keep Jefferson County safe by donating 1,000 masks to Jefferson County Courthouse staff this week to reduce the risk of spread for those performing essential duties.
Southeast Texans are no strangers to adversity. After hurricanes, floods and other natural disasters our community pulls together to rebuild stronger than ever - and the COVID-19 crisis is no different. Golden Pass is working to help our tireless front line first responders, health care workers and governmental leaders to keep Jefferson County safe by donating 1,000 masks to Jefferson County Courthouse staff this week to reduce the risk of spread for those performing essential duties.
“Thanks to this donation by Golden Pass, we continue to do the work that helps keep Jefferson County running,” said Jefferson County Judge Jeff Branick. “In these times, our partnerships are more important than ever, and we’ll only get through this by working together.”
Golden Pass is committed to Southeast Texas and has deep ties to the area. The company has been investing in Sabine Pass since 2003, and employs more than 80 people. Over that period, Golden Pass has donated millions of dollars to help its neighbors rebuild from Hurricane Ike and Hurricane Harvey.
“At Golden Pass, safety is our primary focus,” said Mary Ann Reid, Golden Pass Community Affairs Advisor. “During crises like these, that takes on a new meaning and it is more important than ever that we help keep everyone safe.”
The company is currently adding liquefaction capabilities to its Sabine Pass, TX LNG facility, a project that is expected to create 7,000 construction jobs at peak activity, 200 new permanent jobs with the company and billions in increased economic activity for its community. During the COVID-19 crisis, Golden Pass has continued to employ local residents while working with its contractors to ensure essential work performed on site is safe. Control measures were implemented early on to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 as construction progresses.